Many of the
benefits of getting your financial house in order are obvious. But there are
some lesser-known reasons to get it together in the money department you may
have overlooked…
1. Less
stress and better health. In a
survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 73% of people
listed money as the number one factor affecting their stress level. This is a
problem because persistent stress isn’t just unpleasant—it’s deadly. Stress is
a significant contributor to a host of serious physical ailments like heart
disease, stroke, depression, and even obesity. By doing the work necessary to
get your financial house in order, you might also add some years, and greater
quality, to your life.
2. Better
marriages. Money woes are hard
on relationships. The inevitable day of reckoning (like when the credit card
bill is due, or the mortgage is in foreclosure) can bring out the
finger-pointing and cause couples to turn on one another, rather than work
together to fix the problem. Couples with a sound, mutually-negotiated
financial plan may not get everything they want, but they’re less likely to
blame one another for it.
3. More
options in life. When you manage
money well and plan for tomorrow, you have greater control over your own life.
Those who are constantly mired in heavy debt, by contrast, are slaves to their
payments and what the banks will allow them to do. Want to have the financial
margin needed to make a career change? Want to have more choices related to
your kids’ education? Then make small sacrifices now that will empower you
4. The
freedom to be generous. People
who are financially stable have more margin. In other words, they don’t live to
the end (or beyond) of their means. They build in a bit of a buffer in the
financial plan for the “what ifs” in life. That’s a wonderful feeling when
you’re suddenly confronted with a need or a cause that you want desperately to
support…and you have the means to do so.
5. More
financially stable kids. Kids
who grow up in a family culture of financial literacy and accountability have a
greater chance of being financially stable in their own adult lives. And trust
us, it’s a wonderful thing to have adult children who can take care of
themselves and don’t need to revisit the parental well over and over in
adulthood to make ends meet. But don’t assume they’ll learn it all by osmosis.
Be intentional in teaching the basics of money management to your kids.
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