However, two years after that disastrous election loss, it would
appear that Labour – under Jeremy Corbyn,
in the 2017 snap General Election – is on the steady path to electoral oblivion
on June 8.
In the 2015 Labour campaign, I played a very
small part in their election strategy by speaking across the country to party
members about my youth in a Britain before the welfare state. On that election
night, I sat until well past midnight in a pub near Westminster with young
Labour supporters.
I left the moment the television pundits told us and the
country; it was all over for Labour because David Cameron had won a slim but
workable majority.
That night, my black cab swept me across empty
streets and past the war memorial towards my budget hotel. It was being readied
for the 70th anniversary of VE day in the morning.
I couldn't help but recall the elation I felt
in 1945 when the war ended in Europe. I was 22 and stationed with my RAF unit
in the newly surrendered city of Hamburg that smouldered in the ruins of war.
But in that barren landscape, as spring began to blossom, so too did peace,
bringing hope and optimism back into our lives across the continent and in
When we celebrated Victory in Europe on May 8th
1945, my generation knew this was the first day of the rest of our lives. It's
why my generation resolved not to waste one moment of precious time by turning
back the clocks and accepting the politics that had given us the suffering of
the Great Depression.
We were young and wanted a life worth living.
So we seized destiny by the shirt collar and in the General Election of July
1945 voted for our futures by electing a Labour government. This government was
revolutionary because with its commitment to create a new society based on
merit and the construction of a social safety network, it would make Britain
liveable for all its citizens – not just the 1% of that day.
Between 1945 and 1951, the Attlee Government
dragged Britain into the 20th century through progressive politics. That
government was not perfect, nor did it satisfy everyone needs and wants. But
what it did was strive to do great things like build the NHS and nationalise
key industries that benefited our changing economy. It made higher education
dependent upon ability rather than wealth. It cleared city slums bomb damaged
residential neighbourhoods to ensure every citizen had a roof over their heads.
But it wasn't easy, and like now the Tories resisted any change that would make
the elite pay their fair share.
December 1945: The North Bastion of the Tower of London, which suffered
extensive damage during a World War II bombing raid in 1940Getty Images
It's why I know from my own youth in post war
Britain that Labour's commitment to taxing the top 5% of wage earners, ending
the housing crisis, ensuring proper public funding for the NHS would not have
been considered extreme left-wing policies to Clem Attlee, his cabinet or to
the millions of working class voters who voted for a political movement that
espoused the well of the 99%, rather than the entitled.
Yet today, during an era when wages have not
seen real growth in over a decade and affordable housing is out of the reach of
anyone but the wealthy minority, Labour's vision for a more equal Britain is
seen as radical, unstable and economically disastrous by too many political
pundits or those who seemingly speak for the centre.
Economic inequality is as deadly for society
as climate change, and to deny it or deride it is abetting the end of
I lived through the Great Depression the
Second World War and Britain's post war reconstruction, so I find it absurd to
find fault in Labour's desire to end the ravages of economic inequality. It is
as deadly for society as climate change, and to deny it or deride it is
abetting the end of civilisation.
If Labour has any hope of winning this
election and stopping the destruction of the welfare state and just society,
they must embrace – with passion – their history, their struggles, their
triumphs and their failures - from Attlee to Blair. Labour must take the gloves
off and declare this election for what it is - a battle between the darkness
created by austerity, a hard Brexit and malevolent nationalism, and the light
of democracy based upon common sense, fair play and tolerance. Labour has to
demand of liberals and those who believe in an inclusive society that Jeremy
Corbyn - like Macron in France - is the only choice to stem the tide
unreasonable austerity and hard Brexit.
Labour must use my generation's grit, my
generation's determination and my generation's history to convince the young
that they must register to vote and then vote Labour if they want a future.
I am 94 now, so if Labour loses when the next
election comes around who will be left from my generation to remind the young
of what we endured before the NHS? We will be nearing 100 years old.
In 2022, there will be nobody left from my
generation to speak out, to remind, and to rage against the death of my
generation's dream that we almost achieved in 1945: a Britain where all of us
lived in hope and prosperity.
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