Saturday, December 13, 2014

Things Successful People Do In Their 30s

Many 30-somethings focus so much on raising a family and building a career that they neglect important relationships and ignore opportunities they may never get again.We've collected below the most common advice from those who have already experienced their 30s.

1. They spend time with people who add value to their lives.

Manson collected over 600 responses from readers who have lived through their 30s, and one of the most common pieces of advice was to stop spending time with those who don't treat you well and instead spend more time with loved ones.
"Don't just work. Make memories. The older you get, the harder it is to make meaningful relationships,"

2. They pursue their loftier aspirations.

Twenty-somethings often begin their careers with big goals that they set aside to settle for a job they're not passionate about. Before they know it, a temporary job becomes a career.

3. They don't obsess about the future.

Manson recounts that one of the biggest lessons of his 20s was that there's not a magical moment where you start feeling like an adult who has it all figured out. He was happy to learn that his older readers said the same thing about their 30s.
"Unless you are already dead — mentally, emotionally, and socially — you cannot anticipate your life 5 years into the future. It will not develop as you expect. So just stop it. Stop assuming you can plan far ahead, stop obsessing about what is happening right now because it will change anyway, and get over the control issue about your life's direction..
It's healthy to have goals for you and your family, but don't stress out over specifics. Acknowledge that you still have plenty left to learn and that you're going to continue to grow as a person in unexpected ways.

4. They decide whether they want kids or not.

Kids certainly are not for everyone, but the majority of those who wrote to Manson or posted on Quora say they realized that putting off having children for an ideal situation is a bad idea. If you want to have kids, have them before it's too late.
"You don’t have the time. You don't have the money. You need to perfect your career first. They'll end your life as you know it. Oh shut up … Kids are great. They make you better in every way. They push you to your limits. They make you happy. You should not defer having kids," Manson's reader 

5. They take care of their health.

With a growing list of responsibilities, one of the first things that can go is making exercise and healthy eating habits a priority. But think of putting forth a little effort in both areas as a long-term investment.

6. They establish a financial foundation for the future.

Hopefully you used your 20s to figure out a way to pay back the student loan debt statistics say you most likely had after graduating, and also started saving. But if you hit 30 and you've set nothing aside, it's not too late. By this point, though, you need to start saving for your retirement.

7. They still enjoy themselves.
And finally, just because you're not in your 20s anymore doesn't mean you need to stop having fun. 

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