Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Make money From Caller Tunes

Caller Tunes is the personalized ring back service that enables you change the conventional “ring ring” sound heard when your friends, colleagues and family members call you with a tune of your choice. Caller Tunes entertains your callers with a selected music each time your phone rings. You can get it from VAS providers or sites that offer premium caller tunes service or directly from telecommunication companies.Just imagine that up coming musician in your street would love to get his music converted into caller tune so when somebody calls him or her, they get to hear his music.Imagine that politician in your area would love to promote his campaign as a caller tune so that when his followers, friends or family member calls, they get to first listen to his campaign beforehepicksthe.
Caller Tunes Business simply involves setting up a service that allows other people to download and assign a variety of  sound heard when their friends, colleagues and family members call their gsm number with a tune of their choice. People that download and assign a particular sound to replace the conventional “ring ring” sound are billed automatically by their network provider and you the promoter of that tune get your own share of it. The airtime billing of people that send a text to a caller tune code like is different from the way they are billed when they text gsm numbers. Caller tunez billing is also different from shortcode billing system. If you set up a caller tunez service, you can make money in partnership with the mobile network operators, while you also have access to the phone numbers of the caller tune subscribers for other marketing purposes.
How much you make from the caller tune depends on the agreed sharing percentage between you and the mobile operators as prevented by the VAS provider. Normally, the MNO’s takes more if the song is not an hit track or not done by a popular artist.Unlike shortcode and other mobile content services where VAS providers have  a user interface to provide it’s client with real time logs. For Caller Tunes, the telecoms themselves provides a monthly report for every tunes to the VAS providers and then the vas providers in turn send the report to it’s clients. No fears, because the payment is made straight to the bank details filled in the contract document which is usually done by the caller tune promoter.

Tips to start:
- Acquire an authorization letter from the owner of the song permitting you to distribute it’s song as a caller tune.
- Proceed to a VAS provider to set up the tune for you by uploading the song and sharing code for the various operators with you.
The authorization letter can be received directly from the artiste. If it is an artiste you know personally then you can approach him but for big stars you are advised to approach the record label. Approaching the record label make the process easier as you can walk into their office at anytime. Some artiste will easily issue you the letter because they know you are also promoting them while some will demand for royalty. If it is a religious leader’s voice then you have to visit the church office and discuss your proposal to distribute it as a claler tune with them. The authorization letter will be written on the ministry letter headed paper stating it’s permission to you.

Lastly, you need to get people to download the tune. The more people download the tune the more money you rake into your account. it’s a game of volume. Imagine all the members of a particular church like any of these leading ministries whose Leaders voice are highly respected downloading the tune monthly…REAL MONEY! You can promote your caller tune by flyers, radio jingle, banner ads on high traffic websites and blogs. BulkSMS is also a great way to promote your caller tune. But then you need to buy a valid gsm database and use bulk sms sites to promote your caller tune.

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